Wentworth Celebrates Learning Space for Master of Science in Construction Management Program

Recently, Wentworth Institute of Technology opened a dedicated learning space consisting of a seminar conference area and faculty offices designed specifically for the newly launched Master of Science in Construction Management program. Approximately 40 industry professionals/leaders from across the region were in attendance – they were heavily influential in the creation of the master’s program.

This project demonstrates a commitment by Wentworth to the construction industry for ensuring that leaders in construction program/project delivery have the most advanced skills needed to do their jobs successfully. There’s a uniqueness to the program as it’s the only one of its kind in the state. Furthermore, it demonstrates a commitment by industry professionals/leaders to retool their careers, especially in light of the current economic environment for construction industry. For example, the enrollment for this year’s inaugural class is more than twice the projected enrollment–28 students are enrolled in the program.

What this program means for the region is also compelling as it will be a training ground for the future construction management leaders who are both innovators and executives, and typically have their hands on many of the region’s construction projects.