Standard Builders Recognized with Platinum Construction Safety and Excellence Award

The Connecticut Construction Industries Association presented a Safety Recognition Award to Standard Builders on Wednesday, December 7th at the organization’s Annual Meeting.  The Construction Safety and Excellence Award was presented to member firms that applied and met certain specified criteria.  CCIA established the award 13 years ago to encourage safety in construction and recognize companies that maintain a formal safety and health program or related policies and procedures. This is the sixth consecutive year that Standard Builders has been recognized with the Construction Safety and Excellence Award.
In addition to this annual award, SBI also received the Platinum Award.  New this year, the Platinum Award was given to firms that exceeded National Safety statistics.  The newly instituted program was established this year to recognize the top safety performers in their respective construction category.
Judged on three year incident rate averages, Experience Modification Rate (EMR), OSHA citations, hours worked, documentation of safety meetings and presentations, and self-performance, judges reviewed safety statistics and awarded based on the company’s total commitment to safety.  There were a total of 22 applicants in the heavy/civil, building construction and specialty categories.  Judges awarded 7 Platinum Awards to the top one third ranked companies in each of the aforementioned categories, plus one Merit Award.
Safety is the cornerstone of all Standard Builders’ operations and is ingrained within the fabric of its culture.  Standard Builders’ staff is passionate about safety and committed to the comprehensive Safety Program that has been put in place.  The firm’s staff is dedicated to maintaining safe job sites to preserve the safety of workers, and to maintain isolation from building occupants both physically and environmentally at all times.  Founded in 1949, Standard Builders utilizes its traditional construction expertise to provide its clients in the institutional, healthcare and corporate market sectors with value-added service.  Standard Builders sets the standard for building excellence.