“Sculptors, Businesses Reuse Building Materials and Raise Funds for Charity”

Tuesday, October 12th, 6pm, Flatbread (45 Day Street, Somerville, MA)

Green Thinks, a series of educational green building field trips, will present two sculptors of reclaimed material, an environmentally low-impact wood restoration system, and a material reuse charity. The evening highlights material reclamation and introducing area architects (among them, Arrowstreet, Davis Square Associates, Miller Dyer Spears) to local artists and vendors who draw materials from the waste stream and keep them in use.

The evening focuses on wood and metal through the eyes of
· Jeff Smith, Fort Point sculptor (who also made the bar for the South End restaurant Beehive),

· Skunk, Somerville-based sculptor who creates playful robots out of motor parts and runs the studio Skunkadelia, and founded the bicycling group Scul

· Amy Bauman, greenGoat, runs a charity dedicated to building-related resource conservation

· Roger Sherman, Environmental Restoration, using volcanic ash and the “Farrow System” for low-impact wood stripping.

Flatbread took over the former Sacco’s Bowl Haven, using wood from a few of the bowling lanes to make tables and benches. Flatbread believes in buying organic produce from local farmers and is offering the evening to greenGoat, a Somerville charity, as a fundraising event. A portion of the evening’s pizza sales benefits greenGoat.