North Branch Begins Major Summer Construction on Kingswood Schools

Wolfeboro, NH – North Branch Construction of Concord, NH has begun major summer construction for the Kingswood Middle School, High School, and Vocational School.

Wolfeboro, NH – North Branch Construction of Concord, NH has begun major summer construction for the Kingswood Middle School, High School, and Vocational School. With students on summer vacation, over 200 construction workers are on-site to complete renovations in all three schools. The High School is undergoing an interior demolition and asbestos abatement as well as gym and locker room renovations. Selective demolition will also occur in the Middle School and Vocational School, along with gym, locker room, and kitchen renovations in the Middle School. Reconstruction will continue well into 2012, however functional classrooms and a new High School Administration Building are expected to be turned over for use in Fall term, 2011.

Kingswood Regioinal School in progress

Kingswood Regional school project, Wolfeboro, NH- june 2011