Organizations and Events People

ASM’s 2015 Calendar of Events

logoASM’s 2015 calendar of events will focus on topics of keen interest to contractors large or small, working in any market sector. ASM programs are open to all, and nonmembers are encouraged to attend to see what ASM is about. While the schedule is still in development, we have topics and timing tentatively lined up, as follows:

January 27 : ASM Young Professionals Mixer, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., at the Copper House Tavern in Waltham.

February 10 : Managing Cash Flow & Getting Paid, a joint breakfast program with CFMA, featuring Gregg Shoppman from FMI; 7:30 a.m. to 1 a.m., at the Sheraton Needham.

February 25: Safety Roundtable, place and topic TBA.

March 5: Fraud & Cyber Crime Prevention, a panel presentation featuring speakers from Eastern Bank, Eastern Insurance, and Feeley & Driscoll.

March 11: ASM Young Professionals Mixer at the TD Garden, while watching the Boston Celtics v. Memphis Grizzlies.

March 26: “ Conversations with . . .” informal Q&A with an ASM or industry leader, in a casual setting.

April 13: Contract negotiation seminar, featuring Atty. Carolyn Francisco of Corwin & Corwin LLP.

April 15: Safety Roundtable, place and topic TBA.

May, date TBA: Massachusetts’ Sick Leave Law, a seminar explaining the new law and regulations.

May, date TBA: Tech Talk presentation and discussion, providing IT advice for companies without IT departments.

July 13: 20th Annual ASM Golf Tournament, at The International Golf Club, Bolton.

In the fall:

Specialty Insurance Coverages: seminar to review what the policies provide and what contractors need.

“Conversations with . . .” informal Q&A with an ASM or industry leader, in an informal setting.

ASM Young Professionals Mixer.

ASM Management Workshop, featuring a speaker from FMI.

Bimonthly Safety Roundtable.

Biennial Dinner Gala, ASM’s signature event featuring ASM elections and an evening of entertainment in a unique setting.

Other events will be added as needed; for updated information, please visit