Build Better Podcast

Embracing the Unknown and Designing a Future with Intention

by Emily Langner

On episode 21 of the Build Better podcast, Anastasia talked with Matt Reiniger and Ben Callaghan, associate partners at Fathom, a future design firm helping manufacturers, architects, builders, and engineers go beneath the surface to reconnect people with what gives their work meaning and drives unprecedented performance.

Ben Callaghan

Reiniger and Callaghan shared how their recent deep dive into their own company has influenced the work they do with firms in the AEC industry including Svigals+Partners, Fuss & O’Neill and High-Profile Monthly. They started by asking themselves what effect they wanted to have that would be the most meaningful in the world. They have evolved their mission to include accelerating growth and helping more people in the world prosper by elevating humanity, and one way they do this by helping individuals and organizations develop the tools, relationships, and habits required to make transformation sustainable.

According to Callaghan and Reiniger, there are three things that people need in their work lives: They need to matter, and to be working on something that is bigger than themselves; they need to believe in their team and their leaders, and what their organization is doing; and they want to make a difference, and see a visible and visceral connection between what they’re doing day to day, big or small, and the difference it is making in their community and in their world. By addressing these three needs, Fathom helps organizations design their future with intention.

Matt Reiniger

Callaghan and Reiniger encourage leaders to challenge the status quo, to be bold in the face of the unknown, and to include all members in discussions that involve the future of the organization. They say focusing on what you believe is possible then gives you a filter or a “North Star” to make decisions on behalf of that vision and to create conditions that are going to lead you in that direction.

The team at Fathom has also created a way to bring together members of the community, called Sip Sessions, that are held monthly. The goal of these free events is to give people a platform to share their experiences, to provoke people to be creative and bold, and to have conversations that are not being had in other places. Some upcoming topics include: Be Selfish to be Selfless; It Don’t Come Easy: The Cost and the Payoff of Making Your Work Personal; and Fear as Friend, Not Foe: How Finding and Embracing What Scares Us Can Launch Us Forward.

To view the schedule of upcoming events and to learn more about Fathom’s mission, visit

Listen to episode 21 now!