Charity Restoration/Renovation

CompanyWide Helps Hurricane Victims

Boston – CompanyWide, a Boston-based startup company, is helping victims of Hurricane Florence by offering free services for rebuilding projects.

“Rebuilding after a hurricane is painful enough. The last thing anyone should have to pay for is getting connected to help,” said Alexander R. Neary, president of CompanyWide. “There is a national construction labor shortage going on right now, and some services take advantage of this to boost their bottom line when there is a disaster. We would rather say ‘What can we do to help?’”

Therefore, his company is contributing to restoration efforts by connecting those that are in need with construction professionals to help smooth the process of hiring help and rebuilding.

To access the free services, affected businesses, construction companies, and those in real estate should use the publicly available website code, FLORENCE, on, which will allow them to use the connection services offered at no cost.

CompanyWide’s management has stated that the code can be used as many times as needed for as long as it takes to bring things back to normal.

The company’s founders stated they hope this will bring a measure of relief to people who were affected by the hurricane as they begin the search for quality service providers to help rebuild.