
BPDA Releases Mobility Plan

Boston – Following two years of public engagement, the Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) has released a draft Allston-Brighton Mobility Plan for community feedback. The draft plan builds on the goals identified in Go Boston 2030 and Imagine Boston 2030, presenting over 50 specific recommendations that will expand the transit and bike networks, increase walkability, enhance the Main Street and neighborhood street experience, and simplify intersections for all users. 

The creation of the draft plan is guided by more than 1,200 public comments, the result of over 20 opportunities for input.

Based on community feedback, the BPDA establishes nine goals in support of the planning study’s vision: 

  • Increase safety for all modes
  • Allocate space in streets to accommodate diverse users
  • Increase the sustainability of the transportation system
  • Improve equity in transportation
  • Provide priority accommodations for buses
  • Create a more attractive and comfortable biking and walking environment 
  • Enhance parking and permit regulations
  • Accommodate local and regional growth
  • Identify opportunities for new development to mitigate transportation impacts. 

New development in the neighborhood will be expected to either contribute financially or design and build many of the improvements recommended.  The action plan identifies over a dozen projects to be carried out during the next four years that will require developer contributions.  

The BPDA is currently also developing a plan for the Western Avenue Corridor area, anticipated for completion in early 2021.