
SCUP 2015 Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference

thPlanning for Change: Cultural, Technological, and Economic Shifts in Higher Education

A recent Chronicle of Higher Education survey of 350 college and university presidents found that almost 70% believe that higher education will be vastly different in 10 years, with more than 30% believing that higher education in the United States is generally headed in the wrong direction.

From spiraling student debt to changing demographics, from technological sea changes to deteriorating facilities, and from reduced funding to ineffective space utilization, we face myriad challenges and opportunities for positive change. What issues are being addressed at your institutions? Are today’s realities challenging cultural norms? Are your leaders, stakeholders, and planners being reactive or proactive?

The SCUP 2015 Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference will explore how our institutions are addressing the internal and external forces disrupting the status quo and threatening the achievement of mission. What cultural, technological, and economic shifts are happening or must happen to preserve the relevancy, integrity, and viability of higher education?

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